Smith Micro, the makers of the popular 2d animation program known as Anime Studio, has released the latest version of the cartoon making software. The latest version has one of the best features ever, the character wizard, which will create cartoon characters for you based on the choices you make for body parts and styles.
Following suit with the software manufacturer’s famous 3d animation software, Poser (as well as Poser Pro, and Poser Pro 2010), the latest version of their 2d animation software can create cartoon characters for users with no artistic abilities. The program has sliders in the interface. If you want to change the way a character looks, you simply click and drag the slider to give the character a taller body, shorter legs, a wider stance, or any variety of other features. There are multiple hair styles to choose from, multiple hand styles, different types of eyes, different shoes, and many other features you can change on your character. Then, to change the character’s skin and hair, you simply click on the new color. When you’re satisfied with your character, all you do is click to export the character. The software inserts all the bones needed for later animation, as well as exporting the character in 5 different views. You save him and can then insert him later into any of your cartoons.
This is really one of the best features Anime Studio has ever come up with.
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