Tuesday, 13 September 2011

               TRENDS & TACTICS

     Measuring office productivity is not an easy task. Simply defined, productivity is the relationship between the tasks and equipment needed to produce a product or service, and the value of the final result. In a retail setting, for example, it can be the amount of work needed to sell a product versus the successful sale of those products. Sell and item and make a profit, and your productivity efforts are successful.
      In an office setting, the people located in different departments throughout a company may be working on several individual projects that together have a single goal to make the company a profit and successful. But, it is difficult and even impossible to relate the reports churned out by an accounting department, or front office activities of a receptionist, to a specific productivity measure. Each individuals activities matter to the whole, but tracking and improving the productivity of each worker can be a challenge.
       Technology can be used, however, to boost individual productivity whether it is using the latest software and collaborative tools, or relying on state-of-the-art shared print technology to produce relevant material for internal and external usage while at the same time saving costs in ink and paper.
       In this special report, NotebookReview.com examines the tools and technologies that can help improve office productivity and result in better performance, improved customer relations and a more competitive corporate strategy. Coverage is anchored in NotebookReview, but spans across the TechnologyGuide sites and different product areas.

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